825 Main Street, suite 201 upper deck
Park City, Utah 84060

Spring/Summer hours 8am to 4pm.
* hours are subject to change due to private events.

Hours subject to change due to private events.

When I was a child, believe it or not, this was my afternoon snack. Around 4pm after playing with my friend for hours, my mom would call me to remind it was snack time. I was starving so, I would open the refrigerator and started taking everything I could find to make this burger. Burger bun, beef patty, Swiss cheese, eggs, sausage, bacon, lettuce and tomatoes. Good times...

Coxinhas were originally made with a chicken thigh, which its traditional shape is meant to resemble. In its modern processed form it may have originated in São Paulo in the 19th century.[1] In the book Stories & Recipes, Nadir Cavazin says that the son of Isabel, Princess Imperial of Brazil (1846-1921) and Prince Gaston, Count of Eu, a child who lived in seclusion for having mental problems had a favorite dish, chicken, but only ate the thigh. One day, not having enough thigh, the cook decided

Brazil's national cocktail, made with cachaça (pronounced: [kaˈʃasɐ]) (sugarcane hard liquor), sugar and lime. Cachaça, also known as pinga, caninha, or any one of a multitude of traditional names, is Brazil's most common distilled alcoholic beverage. Although both rum and cachaça are made from sugarcane-derived products, in cachaça the alcohol results from the fermentation of fresh sugarcane juice that is then distilled, while rum is usually made from refinery by-products such as molasses.

When I was a child, believe it or not, this was my afternoon snack. Around 4pm after playing with my friend for hours, my mom would call me to remind it was snack time. I was starving so, I would open the refrigerator and started taking everything I could find to make this burger. Burger bun, beef patty, Swiss cheese, eggs, sausage, bacon, lettuce and tomatoes. Good times...